July 4, 2007

What is our impact in real terms?

Every day we make decisions, small and large, about what to buy, what to eat, where to go and how we get there. Basic lifestyle decisions we make can have obvious environmental impact, but what about the less obvious?

The classic question posed in the mid 90's was paper vs. plastic shopping bags. The impact of that decision had not only implications to how we dispose of these, and plastic bags blowing around your city or town, but also to be considered was the resources and energy needed to make and transport these bags.

If we take that analysis across all the daily decisions we make, without taking hours to research the impact, why couldn't there be some non-biased source of information that rates a given commodity, activity, or decision in terms of it's full consequences on the planet?

First there would have to be a measure that we all basically agree on...

Then this measure would have to be applied against the products and services we use on a daily basis. In our home, work, social life etc...

So I would like your thoughts on what we measure, and how?

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